Monday, October 28, 2013

Is facebook really all that bad?

I sat down at facebook after a tiring day at Co-op
expecting to read a few quick interesting status messages.
Instead, I quickly came across both of these stories.
                                         (adoption page)
Read, Pray, and if you can, Give,
but most of all, PRAY.
A lot of times we hear about facebook in a negative light...
addictive, time consuming, and makes us compare our lives to others.
Although this CAN be accurate, it doesn't have to be.
Facebook is a great way to spread the word about people in need,
and to develop prayer chains for those in need of prayer.
God quickly showed me both heartache and hope today.
I didn't need to see anymore status updates.
I was encouraged to press on and pray without ceasing.
Please join me in praying for these!
<>< Stacy

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