Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tis so sweet

I had a rather tedious cutting job to do today so I decided to watch some videos on Godvine and ran across these cute little girls.  It reminded me of all the "Jesus" songs my kids love to sing.  We not only continue to sing June's VBS music EVERYDAY, but we also sing our prayers before we eat and before bed (including the good old gospel "Amen"- the whole song is an easy 1 word!).  It makes me so happy to hear the boys sing.  They were particularly excited about this video, ran in from another room, and begged me to play it like 5 times in a row!  Cute!

Tis so sweet to hear a little child sing about Jesus.

So now, I'm on the hunt to find some fun, upbeat "Jesus" music (that is not VBS) so we can sing even more about Jesus!  Singing prayers and songs about Jesus is ultimately learning about Jesus...so I love it!  Maybe I can secretly film their cute singing to share with you one day... they are a little camera shy!

I'm so lucky my little boys love Jesus.

<>< Stacy

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