Thursday, February 2, 2017

I Want to Forget {But Yet, I Want to Remember}

6 years ago my son nearly died.
I want to forget
but yet, I want to remember.

I want to forget his lifeless body.
But yet, I want to remember.

I want to forget the chaos of those moments.
But yet, I want to remember.

I want to forget my confusion and fears.
But yet, I want to remember.

I want to forget the pain and heartache.
But yet, I want to remember.

I want to forget the waiting.
I want to forget the wondering.
But yet, I want to remember.

I want to forget the sights and the sounds.
I want to forget the sad surroundings of the PICU.
But yet, I want to remember.

Here we are 6 years later,
the first Thursday in February,
and I WANT to remember.

I want to remember how God changed me.
I want to remember how God changed my marriage.
I want to remember how God changed my family.
I want to remember how God changed our life.
and I want to remember how God healed my son.

Christopher's illness is part of our story
not because of his physical scars,
but because of its impact on us and our family.
and that is something I WANT to remember.

I was right when I wrote this post:
because I will truly never forget.
And that's okay.

So starting today, the memories will return.
I'll remember those hard, hard days.
I'll cry (because it still hurts).
I'll pray prayers of thanksgiving.
I'll share our story with anyone who asks.

And I will live a changed life.


Giving Back

In celebration of Christopher's life
6 years after he fought for it,
we will be collecting new stuffed animals
(or monetary donations)
throughout the month of February
for Happy Wheels Inc
to benefit the patients of the
Greenville Children's Hospital.

Let me know if you would like to donate
or if you would like a copy of our flyer!


If you are not familiar with Christopher's story:

Here I share detailed, painful memories  (2012)

Or view our video testimony here:

<>< Stacy

1 comment:

Kim said...

I love reading your blog. Keep those posts coming!