Saturday, April 9, 2011


The kids are sleeping and I am making a crazy effort to get through another daunting project for Spring Break ~ going through the last 10 months worth of pictures on the computer! This involves:

1) Sorting through pictures and deleting a lot (you know, I always take 50 to get a perfect one, so I have to delete about 40 of those 50)

2) Organizing them by month and year

3) Selecting the ones to print for our family photo albums (it has to be perfect, of course!)

You can see why this would take a long time! It wouldn't be so bad if I had kept up with it every few months, but this has been a crazy year and we had computer complications that have just made months pass without this being done.

On a positive note, I get to re-live some fantastic moments in life! I love seeing Christopher's baby pictures and how happy our last 10 months have been! Again, you can see why this would take so long! :)

I had a sick-to-my-stomach moment when these 2 pictures came up back-to-back. We look SO happy by the pool at our friends' house in Pauline. We had no idea we would be in a car accident driving back to my parents' house that night, total our vehicle, and have a TERRIBLE night in the ER. I can still see the scene in my head and how terrible it felt - snatching up the kids, everyone crying, calling my parents, unloading our stuff, Michael crying in the ambulance, 6 week old Christopher clutched to my chest... but in the grand scheme of things, we were fine. But still. I was a wreck. It was complicated. It made a month of our life complicated. Casey still has back pains semi-related. All because someone did not hook up their trailer correctly.

I could go on and on and on about that night, but why? We have an upgraded van that I am loving and a great relationship with Matzner Chiropractic who also helped us through our hospital stresses.

So anyway, I am spending an hour sorting through the beloved days of the past 10 months of our lives and it is WONDERFUL. I can't wait to update our photo albums, sit around, and look through them again :)

Stacy { <>< }

1 comment:

Amanda McCusker said...

I love that you keep up a family photo album! I love to scrapbook and keep up with our family adventures. It makes me so happy to see our family grow and helps me remember all the seemingly small moments too. I try to keep up with ours, but somehow always get behind. It seems like something always comes up, sometimes more serious or complicated than other times. I'm still working on Zoey's first year scrapbook and she is almost 2! I find all of these random pictures of me as a kid and want to know how old I was or what we were doing, so I figure this is a good way to record it. And it's a lot of fun too! Good luck with recording your family adventures!