Friday, September 14, 2012

Can I pray for you?

Prayer is our daily communication with God.
We greet Him with thanksgiving.
We share our requests, BIG and small.
We beg for answers (even if we aren't really listening).
Sometimes we do it just to say we did,
or tell people we will and barely give it a second thought.
We set aside 'prayer time' instead of LIVING in prayer,
or we say the right words without the heart behind it.
Sometimes we're just too busy to remember,
or we feel too far from God.
But God is always there,
and He is always listening.
In my new role as a Stay-at-home-Mom,
I have had a lot more time to reflect on the most important areas in my life,
and I am committed to strengthening my prayer life.
This is a picture of my new prayer request journal.
 Prayer Journal
The inside cover ~ encouraging Bible verses on prayer.
My prayer requests are listed on the pages that follow.
I review them often.
No request is too big or too small.
In fact, I might already be praying for you!
I am determined to live in prayer.
Can I pray for you?
<>< Stacy


Amanda McCusker said...

That is beautifully said. Living in prayer really is the way to be in constant communication with God. I have a hard time writing it all down. It ends up like my many lists, I love writing it all down, but I rarely go back to it. I still do it, just like I "Breathe prayer." I'll be praying for you, just like I encourage you to pray for me too. This is a wonderful aspect to focus on as a mom, you encourage me to be more diligent in my record of prayer. Because it is really cool to see the record of answered prayers when you write it all down.

Wiley family said...

I am really liking it written down - it jogs my memory so I can say a quick prayer for things I might not have thought of! Praying for our continually growing prayer lives!