Friday, August 15, 2014

First "Campout"!

Tonight I find myself sitting alone in the den,
hearing snippets of Elizabeth's bedtime "Jesus music",
and distant outbursts of extremely overexcited boys...

Camping out in the yard for the first time!
Friday is camping too (Christopher's dog)

Veeeeeeery excited!

Casey surprised them with the tent all setup,
bought some "camping snacks",
and, of course, some modern technology...
(movie night in the tent??)
Ready to start the night! 
I know they are thrilled to
get the camping night they have begged for!
Stay tuned to see if it lasts all night  ;)

Did I mention the random FOUR
cats that came into our yard, climbed trees,
and tried to get in the tent?!!??
Um.  No.  Go home, please!
Of course, if Michael had it his way,
he would have brought them in the tent!
The kid loves animals and BUGS!
Speaking of bugs,
Michael caught a super cool butterfly today
which prompted us to start our nature journals!
We are taking a few Charlotte Mason
approaches to education this year...
She believed that students should
DAILY spend time in nature
(which certainly isn't a problem for these 2).
Drawing the Red-Spotted Purple Butterfly

We certainly aren't artists at this point
(truthfully it's an area we struggle in),
but we took some time to draw what we saw
and researched it in our field guide book!
Michael's Journal

Christopher's journal
Can you find the 2 butterflies?
Charlotte Mason also encouraged
the Teacher/Mother to participate in journaling...
which means I get to slow down for a minute
and enjoy nature and learning with my kids!
My journal - a lot more informative!
Overall, a fun Friday night at the Wiley's house!

Praying for a safe night!
<>< Stacy

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